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Chartography - contents

Here's the list of performers I'm going to feature over time. Will certainly add some over time😃 When a new chartography is publis...


Chartography - Thomas Dolby

Thomas Dolby is another curious success story of the early 1980s. Initially a session player, he quickly established himself as a songwriter of note and even managed to get a bit of commercial attention in UK. But it was the US and MTV that catapulted him to his breakthrough and created an audience for him across the ocean that he never could reach in his homeland. Unlike most UK performers that had their greatest success in the US, he managed to break the home market too - not as spectacularly but enough to have chart entries well into the 1990s. Of course hits dried up but he stiff retains his cult popularity and a level of respect and attention. He also worked with other artists (with varying degrees of success) and had an outstanding carrier in hi-tech.

His autobiography "The speed of sound" is well worth a read, not least because of his various run-ins with chart compilers in various countries over the years, so the mechanics of the music industry are covered in nice detail. And what a fascinating life he had!

Thomas Dolby

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Nb. Discography

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